Case Study: My Experience With

The World’s Top Ten Powerful Countries

There are several countries in the world the same having recorded at 197 see this website for a sneak peak on each of them. As usual where there is a great number there has to be the leader therefore it is of importance that one is aware of the countries that shape the world economy, for more details on global economy view here! To establish what contributes to a country to be regarded as a super power click here now. As you read further on this article you will get to establish the countries that are regarded as the most powerful in the world and in addition to this you can learn more by clicking on this site.

The one thing that at least most people are aware of is that the United States is among the most powerful countries but what most people don’t know is what makes the United States powerful, read more. Most would want a cake of what those who live in the United States enjoy and this is the sole reason that most people try to find their way there. At number two we have Russia which has been marked to be very influential on political matters, it’s population is almost half that of the United States but the most outstanding thing about Russia is that it is the largest country when it comes to landmass read more now. Another powerful country that has actually outdone itself population wise is China, it has a strong economy and military alike. The fourth country that we have is Germany which apart from being the one with most people in the European Union it actually has greatly invested in education hence its population is highly literate view here.

There is some sophistication that comes from the United Kingdom and this can be attributed to its culture, fashion, technology and science without forgetting its influence on the economy. Following the UK closely is France which is known for fashion too and its influence on other countries and global economy see more. There is so much about Japan that everyone needs to learn and this is because it has been a great contributor the world technology hence making it as among those countries that are shaping world economy see this homepage for more. On this list we also have Israel click here to discover more about this world super power. With technology that is rapidly growing South Korea equally can now be regarded as a world super power.