NJ School Administration: Jerry Jellig, Delivering Quality Education and A World-Class Educational Institution
It is very possible for every school administration from all over the world to want to get a high-quality educational institution. Being able to assure and guarantee a brighter future most certainly is what New Jersey and other states are specifically opting and prioritizing. You could actually find methods and ways to get this made and done right and to make sure you are hiring the right staff plays an integral part at the end of the day.
At the end of the day, it is just important that the right people are being employed to ensure that quality output is achieved, and this makes Jerry Jellig a very important and essential option to consider since he has shown quality output and excellent performance through the years, and in every school he is basically assigned to.
This most certainly is proven in quite a number of occasions, one of which being was when KIPP DC was among the highest suspension rates in the network of National Charter School Network and tailored to be the lowest achievement data in the said network. By the time Jerry Jellig was employed, you could find and see that the entire game plan was changed and improved accordingly, changing directions to deliver a more fruitful bear for the future generation. Since the employment, the school administration then ranked up and has been tailored and recognized to have the lowest records to suspension rates, not to mention that it also boasts the highest GPA data according to the National Charter School Network.
All of these things were made possible because Jerry Jellig also is found to be very proficient and capable of giving outstanding advice when it comes to school budgeting. That is not all, especially since his skills and talents are far and beyond, aiding the HR department through advice and consultations on how to effectively manage the department well. By employing the right people in the department, along with quality advice and consultation, the school has then improved at a shocking rate.
Since then, the calling of a higher purpose came into the picture. Jerry Jellig now even serves as the South Brunswick School District’s superintended in NJ school administration. The fact that Jerry Jellig showed 2 clean audits with the budget of $150 million is more than enough to confirm him credible in handling such matter, let alone he also has to manage 9,000 students, more than 1,200 staffs, in 12 schools. His very skills have even led to helping a school from and cleared it from state monitor.
With all of the things that he has made and done throughout the years, surely, being able to have him assures and guarantees that good things will soon follow.