How to Keep Yourself and Your Information Safe on Your Business Travels Abroad
It is quite alarming that during travel, you can experience identity theft. The thing with identity thieves is that they are not just after your personal information, they are also after important business information which can include data of your employees and your customers. Today, most American businessmen are already alerted about this danger and are more vigilant when they travel abroad.
When you are going abroad on a business trip, there are some safety measure that you need to take for your own personal safety and the safety of the information you are bringing with you.
The first thing to do is to know more about the place where you are going especially their local laws. The best place to do your research is through online sources since you can get a lot of information about the place, the restrictions, and the security issues that they have there.
For every document that you are bringing, ensure that you have made 2 extra copies so that if anything gets stolen, it would be easier for your to replace them. Your should do this for every important document or identification that you are bringing and this should include your credit cards, ticket, passports, and any other identification forms.
Make sure that you know how to contact the US Embassy or Consulate in the place your are going in case of any emergency situations. Give your family alternative means of contacting you aside from your cell phone.
When it comes to your electronic devices, ensure that you backup all your data and update your antivirus software. Bringing a portable wifi will ensure safety when you are trying to access important business documents online instead of using a public wifi. Your devices should be kept away from strangers and make sure your passwords are protected. Clean out your browsing history and temporary files after use. If any of your devices gets stolen overseas, inform the US Embassy or Consulate immediately.
It is not safe to be going out alone at night with plenty of cash in your pockets. Your family should know what is going on and your whereabouts, and if you plan to share on social media, delay it for some time so you don’t reveal your exact location at the moment.
It is a good think to daily check your bank accounts to catch any criminal activity quickly.
If you get arrested for anything, reach out to the US Embassy or consulate. If you think that you are wrongfully arrested by a police officer when travelling domestically, you can seek help from T. T. Williams, Jr., Investigations, Inc., Wrongful Convictions. This company specializes in cases involving the use of force and police procedures.
When you get home, change the passwords of all your accounts. Then check your system access history with your company’s security officer. Any foreign communication after you arrive should be reported to the FBI.
Another Source: read the full info here