Why People Should Know More about Dual Diagnosis
Around 4% of adults deal with mental illnesses and substance abuse disorder, so several people around the globe are dealing with this problem now. Dual diagnosis is a term used by psychologist when an individual has mental health and substance abuse disorder. Dual diagnosis is still confusing for so many people since they do not understand how they are related.
The main reason why dual diagnosis occurs when an individual start taking drugs or drinking heavily so they can deal with specific promise or undiagnosed mental illnesses. An individual can develop mental health disorders before starting to abuse drugs or vice-versa so it can be challenging to tell which one came first.
Dual diagnosis is a serious problem especially seeing your current condition can be negatively affected since they feed off each other. Some of the addicts will self-medicate themselves using drugs so it won’t be easy for them to check into a rehab centre. Making sure you join a rehab centre now is necessary so they can tell whether you are suffering from mental illness or substance abuse since they have similar symptoms.
Discovering more about the time you spend at the rehab centre dealing with your mental and drug abuse disorder is necessary to make sure they will handle all aspects of your problem. Going to a centre that promises to deal with your issue in just one month might not be the best choice so you should settle for rehab centers that have programs lasting for around 3 months. It will be easy for the medical professionals to stabilize you if they offer substance use disorders programs for 60 to 90 days. Before choosing the dual diagnosis centre it is vital to consult with friends and other patients so they can give you honest reviews.
Knowing whether the rehab centre is accredited by several trade unions associated with mental health and substance abuse is necessary plus you should check their license status here! Any addict that has visited the rehab centre will tell you those withdrawal symptoms are no joke, which is why you should get assistance from medical practitioners. One benefit of going to the rehab centre from this website is that they have the best educational material so you can understand everything about your mental health and substance abuse.
Most of the facilities will offer follow-up services to make sure you are maintaining a sobriety, but you can still continue with therapy. Getting advice about dual diagnosis of the important so set up a consultation meeting with the rehab centre to learn about unique cases of dual diagnosis.